Chris Ebejer born in Malta in 1979. Received his artistic training in history of Western European Art and after studying painting, he expressed his talent in figurative sculpture, with dynamic force and movement. Evidently in his works mythological and sacred expressions comes to interact with each other in a contemporary interpretation.
Chris collaborated on several works for cinema sets and his most notable work is the prestigious commission to design and build the horse of Troy for USA cable network TV series ‘Helen of Troy’ in 2002. Chris pursued his studies and graduated in film production and direction at the New York film academy in Universal Studios at Los Angeles. In 2004 he completed with distinction the Diploma in Classical and Contemporary Design from the Sheffield School of Interior Design of New York.
During his career he has completed numerous public commissions and his Art is also found in many private collections. His early bronze work Mechanical Spring is installed in sculpture park in Changchung China. In 2006 he won the competition for the monument dedicated to Youth and Life in Qrendi, Malta and in 2007 he won the prestigious national competition for the monument to be installed at the newly built hospital Mater Dei, in Malta. In 2010 he executed the statue of Christ the King in silver, a special gift to Pope Benedict XVI on his visit to Malta.
Chris participated in numerous exhibitions in his native country and across Europe. He shares a fascination with creating beauty that touch the emotions and explore the dream world of subconscious.
Chris Ebejer believes that Art should transmit beauty and that it has a moral responsibility, that it must pursue something higher than itself. In his own words “Art must be a part of life. It must be a vital part in the process to enrich and ennoble civilizations. It should be a majestic presence in everyday life just as it was in the past”
Working from his studios in Malta and Pietrasanta (Lucca) he is currently engaged on various artistic projects of relevant importance.